All Classes and Interfaces
Represents an endpoint allocated for a service instance.
The AppHost interface is the primary entry point for users to interact with the Java Runtime for Azure framework.
Represents a
that is deployed using Azure Bicep.Represents an Azure OpenAI Deployment.
Represents a reference to a connection string.
Represents a generic container resource.
Annotation to specify a custom serializer for a class.
Represents the core of a distributed application within the Java Runtime for Azure framework.
A resource that represents a Dockerfile that will be built into a container during deployment.
Represents an endpoint annotation that describes how a service should be bound to a network.
Represents the properties of an endpoint that can be referenced.
An EndpointReference is a core type used for keeping track of endpoint details in expressions.
Represents a property expression for an endpoint reference.
Represents an annotation that provides a callback to modify the environment variables of an application.
Represents a callback context for environment variables associated with a publisher.
Represents an executable resource.
An extension is a collection of resources that can be used to extend the functionality of the AppHost API.
Interface for resources that can introspect themselves.
An interface that allows an object to express how it should be represented in a manifest.
Network protocol: TCP or UDP are supported today, others possibly in future.
Represents an expression that might be made up of multiple resource properties.
Annotation to specify that the field represents a path that should be output as a relative path.
Represents a generic resource within the Java Runtime for Azure framework.
An expandable enum-like type for specifying the type of a resource.
All resources have a lifecycle, beginning with creation and ending with the resource being written out to the
Java App Host manifest.
Represents a resource that can have parameters.
Represents a resource that has a parent resource.
A resource that has a template associated with it.
The network scheme: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or UDP.
A class is self aware if it can return a reference to itself.
Represents a descriptor for template files within the Java Runtime for Azure framework.
Facilitates the construction of template descriptors for processing template files.
The template engine is responsible for processing templates, replacing placeholders with values from the context.
Represents the output of processing a template file within the Java Runtime for Azure framework.
Transport that is being used (e.g.
Represents a value resource.
An interface that allows the value to list its references.