Interface SelfAware<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the class that is self aware.
All Known Subinterfaces:
ResourceTrait<T>, ResourceWithArguments<T>, ResourceWithConnectionString<T>, ResourceWithEndpoints<T>, ResourceWithEnvironment<T>, ResourceWithParameters<T>, ResourceWithReference<T>, ResourceWithTemplate<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AzureBicepResource, AzureEventHubsResource, AzureOpenAIResource, AzureStorageBlobsResource, AzureStorageChildResource, AzureStorageQueuesResource, AzureStorageResource, AzureStorageTablesResource, Container, DockerFile, EurekaServiceDiscovery, Executable, MicronautProject, MicroserviceProject, QuarkusProject, Resource, SpringProject, Value

public interface SelfAware<T>
A class is self aware if it can return a reference to itself. This allows for fluent API design, where we can return subtypes from a method, depending on which type of object we are working with.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a reference to the object that implements this interface.
  • Method Details

    • self

      T self()
      Returns a reference to the object that implements this interface.
      A reference to the object that implements this interface.