Class Executable<T extends Executable<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - The specific type of the resource, which may or may not be a subtype of this class. This allows for method chaining, even when using a subtype, when used in conjunction with the API on SelfAware.
All Implemented Interfaces:
ResourceTrait<T>, ResourceWithArguments<T>, ResourceWithEndpoints<T>, ResourceWithEnvironment<T>, ResourceWithLifecycle, ResourceWithReference<T>, SelfAware<T>

public class Executable<T extends Executable<T>> extends Resource<T> implements ResourceWithArguments<T>, ResourceWithEnvironment<T>, ResourceWithEndpoints<T>, ResourceWithReference<T>
Represents an executable resource.
  • Constructor Details

    • Executable

      public Executable(String name)
    • Executable

      public Executable(String name, String workingDirectory)
    • Executable

      public Executable(String name, String workingDirectory, String command)
  • Method Details

    • withWorkingDirectory

      public T withWorkingDirectory(String workingDirectory)
      The path to the working directory. Should be interpreted as being relative to the AppHost directory.
      workingDirectory - The path to the working directory.
      The Executable resource.
    • withCommand

      public T withCommand(String command)
      The path to the command. Should be interpreted as being relative to the AppHost directory.
      command - The path to the command.
      The Executable resource.
    • self

      public T self()
      Description copied from interface: SelfAware
      Returns a reference to the object that implements this interface.
      Specified by:
      self in interface ResourceWithEndpoints<T extends Executable<T>>
      Specified by:
      self in interface SelfAware<T extends Executable<T>>
      A reference to the object that implements this interface.